It’s been a year since we posted an update and much has been happening. We successfully completed the first year of our CDC-funded Backyard Integrated Tick Management Study. Our awesome student interns not only collected a gazillion ticks from backyards across the region, they also helped with our seasonal nymphal tick monitoring. Tick numbers were the highest they have been since 2011! Learn more about that by clicking here. Meanwhile we also were busy testing tick-repellent clothing items, as seen in this photo. What’s next? Well, we are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded a 2017 Healthy Communities Grant from the Environmental Protection Agency! This funding will allow us to continue to collaborate with our community partner, the Town of Ridgefield BLAST Tickborne Diseases program to help educate families about safe, effective, and judicious use of pesticides for backyard tick control. We have a lot of exciting activities planned and look forward to sharing them with Ridgefield and the region! Learn more by clicking here. Stay tuned for more developments!